Why Geothermal

Why Geothermal Energy?

Geothermal developments extract naturally-occurring underground energy in the form of heat to generate power and/or to heat nearby infrastructure. While wind and solar energy are variably-producing (daylight and weather conditions vary), geothermal is able to constantly produce near zero-emission, renewable energy, making it potentially useful complementary resource where feasible. It is also a near emissions-free source of heat and so presents advantages in Canada’s cooler climate.

The early concepts of direct heat delivery for large structures (where people live) such as neighbourhoods (urban or First Nations), hospitals, airports and potential electrical generation are customized for each area. The closed-loop systems with no fracs will provide the heat. 

With Geothermal energy, heating and cooling can be achieved by taking advantage of the temperature differential between outside air and the ground or groundwater.

Unlike ordinary heating and cooling systems, geothermal systems do not burn fossil fuel to generate heat; they simply transfer heat to and from the earth. Typically, electric power is used only to operate the unit's fan, compressor, and pump. Geothermal systems require little maintenance. Geothermal heat pumps have an efficiency of 90-98%.

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